Sunday, January 08, 2006


I am actully writing this from Starbucks at Carrefour Subang Parade. Been a while since I last surfed the net from here eversince my office has streamyx with its own WiFi. The only :)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A new Beginning...


At exactly 3.47 pm, I received my first P.O. from our very first customer. Yes, after months of hard work for the new venture, it has finally taken off. Not as big as expected but significant just the same.

Integrity and Honesty...

NZANM totally screwed me and my staff today.

You said one thing and you instructed you lawyers to do otherwise.

You actually made one of my staff break down and cried.

Don't think I'll forgive and forget.

May not be now, may not be you directly... but I'll deal with you later...

Nice bungalow at the state capital you said ? Recently renovated... ? Hmmm...